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Is There Help Available For Those Who Cannot Afford a BAIID?

 Posted on January 22, 2025 in DUI

IL defense lawyerDriving under the influence continues to be a persistent yet preventable problem across the United States and in Illinois, yet in the state, the number of DUI arrests has not increased over the past decade. Even so, alcohol impairment remains a factor in at least one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities in the nation. While 0.08 percent is the blood alcohol concentration that is considered impaired in the state, a person with a BAC between 0.05 and 0.08 can be convicted of DUI if additional evidence exists that will show the driver’s impairment.

Depending on whether the DUI conviction is for a first, second, third, or subsequent DUI, the person convicted may be forced to have a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) installed in his or her vehicle for a specific length of time. The device can be financially prohibitive for some, but there may be help available.  If you are facing DUI charges or dealing with the aftermath of a DUI, it can be beneficial to speak to an Aurora, IL DUI attorney.

When is a BAIID Required for an Illinois DUI?

Like many states, Illinois now requires even first-time DUI offenders to have a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device installed on their vehicles under certain circumstances. Illinois also requires a camera unit on the BAIID to capture the image of the driver as they perform the breath tests. There are approximately 12,000 Illinois individuals who are currently driving with a BAIID, largely as a means of being able to drive during the period of driver’s license suspension.

It is never a good idea to drive a vehicle without a BAIID during a license suspension, as this is a Class 4 felony. Those who have two or three DUI convictions must have a BAIID if they intend to drive. An individual must serve a suspension period before being eligible for a BAIID device, then must apply through the Secretary of State’s office while providing proof of enrollment in a DUI education or treatment program. The individual must go to scheduled appointments at the vendor's location after installation of the BAIID to have data downloaded and reviewed.

How Much Does a BAIID Cost?

There is a $30 application fee for a BAIID, then a driver must pay the following costs:

  • Installation fees from $100 - $200
  • A one-time payment for setup and administrative fees that cost from $50 - $100.
  • A monthly monitoring fee from $80 to $150, depending on the provider.
  •  Removal charges of $50-$100

Are There Programs to Help with the Cost of a BAIID?

The financial burden associated with a BAIID is significant, yet most people must drive – to get to work and school and to run necessary errands. The state of Illinois offers financial assistance programs for interlock devices to those who qualify. This program helps low-income people across the state who are unable to afford the interlock device, providing financial assistance that helps cover the initial installation and the monthly maintenance costs. Eligibility for the program requires:

  • A valid Illinois driver’s license
  • Proof of inability to pay for the interlock device based on income limit requirements.
  • A conviction for a DUI offense in the state of Illinois

Contact a DuPage County, IL DUI Lawyer

Regardless of what your DUI issue is, you need a highly skilled Naperville, IL DUI attorney from Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC who can defend your charges and help you get your life back on track. It is important that your DUI lawyer has plenty of experience assisting people facing similar charges and issues. Call 630-448-2001 today to schedule your free consultation. Our attorney speaks Spanish.

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Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC

1555 Bond Street, Suite 103A, Naperville, IL 60563

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